Newbie Chronicles……Runner’s World

Each month I look forward to the arrival of my Runner’s World magazine. I am usually months behind on my reading but this month I skipped ahead (GASP) and grabbed the current edition. 


Due to the fact that I’m so far behind in my reading, I do a lot of skimming.  I read the articles that I like or at least part of them and move on quickly.   I prefer stories which motivate and inspire but I don’t want those stories to be too long because I may not have time to finish them.  My favorite series in Runner’s World is the Newbie Chronicles (photo is from the Newbie Chronicles,  July 2012 Runners World) 

The articles make me laugh.  Not because I’m a new runner but because the author finds humor in the process of running and all the little strange things that go into it.  The character keeps developing each month and he isn’t so much a “newbie” anymore but still has running “issues”.  On occasion, there is a little inspiration mixed in too!  Inspiration + Humor = WIN

Yesterday I finished the July article as I was stepping off the train and these are the words closing out the July 2012 Newbie Chronicles:

I’ve never been in a ditch so low that a run wouldn’t pop me out of it. There are no shadings in this. Every run makes you fantastic. Once you stop, you’re on your own, so it’s a better bet to just keep it going. Some people say we should do no harm. Others tell us to be kind to one another. Why not take it a step further and attempt to inspire others? Running is not a private activity. People are watching. Show someone what it’s like to want something. Lace up and give them something to believe in.

I love that, “Lace up and give them something to believe in”!!  It won’t be easy, particularly when you first start running, but it will be worth it.  You will feel better as a result of the actual running and to think, you could inspire someone else just by getting your bum out the door!  I know I want to run when I see others running, don’t you? 

Inspiration is a funny thing and I would never have thought that the simple act of “just running” could possibly make a difference to others.  I know it makes a difference for me but how could it possibly effect anyone else?.  Running melts my stress away and allows me a few minutes to myself to think about whatever I want to think about.  I no longer even run close to the house because I just need to get away.  Sometimes the things we love the most creep in on us and create a smothering effect.   While that certainly isn’t the intent for your loved ones or your awesome job to smother you, everyone needs a little “me” time whether it be running, reading, walking, or just sitting quietly in meditation.  Take the time for yourself or you may soon start to feel the walls close in around you.  And to think, your “me” time, running or working out, may just inspire somebody else to lace up too?!?!   

Besides seeing someone else running, what inspires you?  What do you do for “me” time?  Do you run, workout, or have another outlet?

** Happy Running ** Amanda – TooTallFritz **

9 thoughts on “Newbie Chronicles……Runner’s World

    • Thanks! Will I see you this weekend at the TP duathlon? Did you end up registering? I don’t have an extra helment and will need mine. Aby is going to do my running and I’m going to brave the bike outside (sans the trainer – YES, I’m scared).

  1. Very well said!! Running has always been my me time, and my friends and family know it, to the point I hear your stressed (CRABBY)why dont you go for a run…

  2. That is an AWESOME article. Running really is a gift. It always amazes me to hear people complain about running, like its a punishment. Their punishment is my reward for surviving every day without punching people 🙂

    • Yeah, I know. I’m 17 days no running and I’d like to punch someone. :o) I have been riding but in my LIVING ROOM (on the trainer) so it’s not the calm, break away from reality that I need.

  3. Ah…inspiration. What inspires you? I asked that question several years ago when I was doing the coaching for Fleet-Feet marathon trainees. Inspiration and motivation are often similarly used, but I don’t think they are the same. Inspiration is derived from the Greek word “inspiron” which means to “take-in” like when breathing. So what we see, hear or experience that lifts our spirit and that nurtures us to fly and soar to our best ability is inspiration. Motivation I interpret more related to intent in conjunction with accomplishing goals or tasks and the end results. Inspiration based more on feeling and experience and motivation based more on intention, action and outcome. The beauty of it is that inspiration can be the motivation to achieve your goals.

    Inspiration is out there, but not always easy to find. Usually it just happens and you bump into it by random encounter. But, you have to be vigilant and on the look for the opportunities cause often ya can be tuned-out or just not observant and miss it.

    Much can and has inspired me in the past, but usually they are other people and the things they do or accomplish that become inspiration for me to motivate myself to work harder or persist when times get tough. Sometimes just running with a group of runners can inspire me to keep at it when my will and confidence are waning. At other times like last winter after surviving most of the long-run training in the hills of Palos in brutal-cold temps and snow and wind, on one of our LR’s in fairer spring weather, coming down the home-stretch of the training schedule for Boston Marathon, it was simply a large group of sandhill cranes flying overhead that inspired me to forget the drudgery and for a few moments, flap my arms and pretend to be a crane on its way back home to summer nesting grounds.

    Running is always an outlet in some form or other, but more often biking and walking about for extended periods or hiking the trails in some nice woods or the dunes is my outlet and release. Sometimes on a run or a walk, if the training, goals and objectives are overwhelming, I just shift the purpose and pick up aluminum cans. A lot of start-n-go when running, easier to do on walk-bouts or bike-riding, but I use that strategy at time to break up the monotony of running to train for some race and the purpose simply becomes to pick-up aluminum cans. Simple…mundane….meaningless. And believe it or not…that simple act can inspire me!

  4. I am Super Cranky Pants if I don’t get some running in. You are totally right: it is my “me” time and my way to decompress. Plus, I like to eat, so if I didn’t run, I would be Super Cranky Pants XL. No good.

  5. Pingback: Well-Done Wednesday (6/27/2012) | The Motivated Runner

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