Where In the World Is TTF?

I know many of you have been wondering what I have been up to as of late.  I’ve been pretty silent on the blog & in real life.  Well, it’s the hour of change for the TooTallFritz family. 

Focus of Change

And basically Socrates got it right in the above quote.  I’ve been very focused on building our new life and what it to come for our family; as well as trying to make this transition as easy as possible for the kiddos.   

We have been very fortunate that hubby was offered, and has accepted, a job near my hometown of Ft Wayne, Indiana.  We are very fortunate to have the support of family and friends in the crazy time of transition.  We are very fortunate that hubby was brave enough to accept this new challenge which will move him way out of his comfort zone of suburbia Illinois to the farm fields of Indiana.  We are fortunate that hubby loves me so much is humble enough to live with his Mother-In-Law in this time of transition.  We are fortunate that Mom loves me so much is generous enough to offer Hubby a place to live as we search for a house and begin the process of moving the entire family to a new area.  I am fortunate to have a Hubby and Mother who are both polite, kind and willing to do whatever is necessary to help the family.  Thanks to both of you!!

I've learned_fortunate

This transition is not going to be easy with 2 kids, 3 dogs, 1 bitch ass cat, and a 160 miles separating the family each and every week until we fully transition to Indiana.  However, I’m a firm believer that when opportunity arises you take note and accept  it, while simultaneously bowing your heard to give thanks. 


While we are excited about the upcoming changes in our lives, we are also scared.   We are scared that we won’t find a house because the housing market is on fire in the Fort Wayne area.  We are scared I won’t find a good job since I’m giving up a really great one with a lot of flexibility.  We are scared that we won’t get into a good school district.  We are scared that Aby will forever be angry about  leaving her friends.  We are scared that Dad will actually take Michael hunting with him.  We are scared of the unknown.

change is scary

But my life motto is No Regrets.  So let’s do this!!

Regret Nothing_Whooha Gear

** No Regrets ** Amanda – TooTallFritz **

10 thoughts on “Where In the World Is TTF?

  1. Drats…gonna miss having you around here. I guess you will continue your blog from Ft Wayne area and at least know how things are faring in your awesome run and family life! I like your “Regret Nothing” shirt and mantra. Will expand on it and borrow from Metallica’s “Thru the Never” promotional logo – “NEVER…Yield…Fear…Regret…Rest” That’s certainly not a Taoist or Zen philosophy…but like your “Regret Nothing” the Metallica mantra can be useful in training for and running a marathon…whether it be an actual marathon race…or simply your life. Enjoy the ride…down the river…in your boat!

  2. We made the transition from Chicago area to Fort Wayne years ago and are loving it.
    Great schools, great housing, great cost of living. Fort Wayne has excellent bike trails and lots to do! You will all do great once you get here.

  3. I know the FNRC and myself will definitely miss you when you move! Good luck and find a destination race out there that we can all do (and subsequently, crash at your place!). 🙂

  4. At least you won’t be too far away! Your Chicago running friends will miss you, tho!


  5. Good luck!!!! Chicago will miss you but thanks to the internet we can still keep in touch! 🙂 And I’m sure we’ll still see each other at races every now and then.

  6. Congratulations on the new job for your husband and for having the courage to do something that you truly believe is right for your family. Just over 2.5 years ago we packed up our family in MI and moved to AZ leaving behind my family who lived close by. It was a VERY difficult decision and transition (10 and 12 y/o and two dogs) but we are SO happy and feel right at home now.

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