Nike+ SportBand Giveaway

As promised, here is a giveaway to thank everyone for their continued support, in addition to providing a special welcome the all new people! 

I have one Nike+SportBand in Black/Cool Grey/Silver.  This item retails for $59.

Nike  Sportband   Nike  Sportband2

According to the Nike website, this is a way to simplify your run, please read the details below. 

The Nike+SportBand: Simple run-tracking on your wrist

Like the freedom of running without a media player? If so, the Nike+ SportBand could be your new favorite running partner. It tracks your time, distance, pace and calories burned in an easy-to-read display, plus it links to where you can join challenges, map your routes and connect with friends – all without an iPod ®.


  • Tracks distance, pace, time elapsed and calories burned
  • Memory captures and stores 30 hours of running data
  • Removable Nike+ Link for quick connection to
  • Pre-curved band for lightweight comfort
  • Water resistance for running in the rain and rinsing off without worry
  • Nike+ sensor included

How it Works

The Nike+ SportBand is easy to use. Just put it on your wrist, place the sensor under the sockliner of your left Nike+ ready shoe, and start running. The sensor measures your pace, distance, time elapsed and calories burned. This information is transmitted wirelessly to the Nike+ SportBand for real-time feedback while you train.


I thought this might be a good giveaway for this time of year after so many of you just crushed the Chicago Marathon (or other amazing races!) and are now looking to get back to nature and spend some time just doing what you love ….. RUNNING.  Remember why you run.   Remember that it doesn’t have to be so technical all the time.  Remember to stop staring at your watch and look around to take in your surroundings.  Remember that there is an entire community of people out there just waiting to connect with you and share your passion for running.  

If you want to enter to win the Nike+SportBand, comment below and tell me your favorite thing about running.  That’s it.   Simple, right?  I’ll use a random number generator and pick a winner on Monday at 9am.  Good luck!


And as always,

** Happy Running **  Amanda – TooTallFritz **

106 thoughts on “Nike+ SportBand Giveaway

  1. Very cool idea!!!
    So hard to pick one thing….friends, stress relief, nature, physical shape……..THE WAY I FEEL WHILE RUNNING AND WHEN YOUR DONE!!!

  2. Awesome giveaway and amazing message! Thank you! My favorite thing about running is that it makes me feel like an athlete. I’m not very athletic and my hand-eye coordination is a bit shady so as a youngster I sat on the sidelines. I love that I am not a participant!

  3. I love the high that I feel at the end of my run. It’s a feeling I can’t explain, but I feel great.

    Thanks for always being encouraging and making me feel like I’m a runner. This is an awesome giveaway

  4. I love the fact that I am doing something I never I thought was within my grasp. And I LOVE all the wonderful people I have met through running. And I LOVE knowing that I ran farther before the sun is up than most people do in a week!!

  5. wow great giveaway!!! My favorite thing about running is that feeling after a few miles when youre warmed up when you feel like you could run 1000 miles. The feeling that you can do ANYTHING!!

  6. My favorite thing about running is the feeling I get no matter if it is one mile or eight miles…. makes me feel good!

  7. My favorite thing keeps changing. First it was the weight loss, then it was the moment the run was done. I think I’ve turned a corner recently and it’s knowing that it’s me time, independent of anyone else’s needs or expectations of me.

  8. My one favorite thing? That is tough! I guess my favorite thing about running is that when I’m running I feel most like myself. I’m in my element and I’m doing it only to please me!

  9. My favorite thing about running is that it gives me confidence. The feeling that I can accomplish anything. I truly fell in love with it during/after my first marathon.

  10. My favorite thing about running is just being able to see the scenery. Fall is my favorite season and such a great time to see all the changing leaves. I run along Lake Michigan too, and that is always such a great view

  11. I love to run because I never thought I could run as far or as fast as I have. It makes me feel like I can do anything.

  12. My favorite thing about running is being alone with my thoughts and be able to take out any frustrations on the pavement or dreadmill

  13. I thought about what I should put here and then realized that I actually wrote a Facebook status on this last week. I started running to lose weight, then I continued to run to stay fit and now I realized I run because its making me grow. I love how even on bad runs (when injuries, weather, or just fatigue from daily life doesn’t catch up my goal pace) I manage to always find a reason to stay positive and see the best of that run.

  14. My favorite thing about running is that it’s all about me. I’m not mom, not the wife, not the nanny…just me. I love being able to enjoy everyone’s company as well…some of my best friends are my running friends 😉

  15. e thing I like about running is it is a chance to do something completely for myself! Nobody can say “no you can’t” except for yourself. Nobody can take my individual feeling of “self” accomplishment away. The goals set and achieved are mine! I run to be the best that I can and to become a stronger woman inside and out! I run because I am able to, where some people are less fortunate and can’t. I run because it is a journey and lets me discover new places and hidden paths. I love to run!

  16. I love the felling of crossing the finish line with my kids cheering me on! It magnifies the good example I am shooting for!

  17. I love to run because it’s something that I’m doing for myself. I spend so much of my life taking care of others and not enough time taking care of myself. Running gives me the chance to step away from responsibilities for a little while and just enjoy ME.

  18. I like feeling strong. I am a nearly 51 year old race walker and know that while I am not the fastest around, I am certainly faster than those who don’t try. Just do it!

  19. My favorite thing about it is the feeling of accomplishment. No one can take away the miles I have put in and the joy I feel from putting the time in to accomplish each day I am putting in the miles.

  20. What do I like about running! What it does to my body and how I feel after I am done. i also have to say I have meet alot of new friends being a runner. The groups and support it just awesome!

  21. I love the feeling when I reach a new distance or PR that 10 years ago I never thought I could do. It makes me feel strong, and it’s something I do only for me.

  22. I love how stress-free running makes me. I can go for a run in the middle of the day and all of the morning madness goes away with my steps.

  23. I love constantly motivating others, and the others that contantly keep motivating me to keep going!!! Oh and bragging to all the non runners and runners on FB….haha you all know you like doing it too!!!

  24. My favorite thing about running is that I have a clear mind when I run. Even after the worst day I can go running and for that moment in time all my worries are gone. 🙂

  25. Running for me is true therapy. When I’ve had a bad day or the stresses if life start getting to me, I strap on my gear, step into my Brooks and just go with it. It ALWAYS makes me feel better!

  26. My favourite (<— British spelling) thing about running is that it pisses off my foot doctors!!!!!! and I totally prove them wrong! HA HAAAAAAAAA (btw Fritz I love you 🙂 )

  27. My favorite thing about running is the freedom it gives me to think! I’m able to think/ dream about things I want to add to my bucket list, things I’ve accomplished or things I want to accomplish! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  28. I love that I am doing something good for my body and enjoying myself at the same time… And I love the camaraderie of my running buddies….they make me a better person, mind and body!!!

    Thanks for another great giveaway!!!!!

  29. My favorite thing about running is the alone time, the pounding out of stress, and the renewed feeling I have at the end.
    ** I totally wanna win this so I can gift it to my nephew at Xmas. He’s in H.S. and just got started in running. He’s tall and lean and pure natural… you know, kinda like your daughter! 🙂

  30. I love running because it is my stress reliever from the chaos of life. I feel very accomplished when I’ve gone for a long run, considering I’ve never been a good distance runner. It’s peaceful to run with my music and throw all my cares away.

  31. Running is my “Me” time, alone with my thoughts, getting my stress out, quiet time with my mind, or a fun time with my girls, chatting about life. Without it, I would go crazy!

  32. I love that even if I’m having a terrible day, I never regret lacing up and going for a run. It’s my “me” time, and is way more than just exercise…’s a way of life!

  33. My favorite thing about running is that it eliminates the stress of classes and projects and finances. It is the perfect way to enhance my day!

  34. Pingback: The Joy of Running….. | TooTallFritz

  35. I love that feeling of accomplishment after a run. I trained this year with a charity for the Chicago Marathon and it also felt amazing to run for a great cause!

  36. My favorite thing about running is the feeling I get after I run, like I have accomplished something, and feel so much healthier & happier!

  37. I love running not only to keep my body fit. I run when I want to think or stop thinking about things. When I feel stressed, I’ll just run and I’ll feel relieved after.

  38. My favorite thing about running is the feeling I get when I’m done!! That and I’m showing my girls a healthy Mama 🙂

  39. At first it was the excerise and runner’s high…but my favorite thing is all the great running friends I have made.

  40. I love to run because it keeps me grounded. I am in perimenopause and it is NOT pretty. but running keeps me sane and off meds 😉

  41. It is purely “me time.” When running, I am not a wife, mom, teacher. Just me alone with my thoughts and Bon Jovi!

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